30 January, 2024

Provisional irrigation systems enabled during the work to adapt the Ebro Orchard Community system to floods

The scarcity of winter rains has allowed progress to be made on the work, but unfortunately it is detrimental to crops. For this reason, temporary irrigation has been set up in the fields surrounding the works to save crops, in agreement with the irrigation community and in keeping with the Project's spirit of participation and cooperation.
19 April, 2023

LIFE in the field: visit to the Osera-Fuentes section (Zaragoza) with co-creation groups

The LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project is characterized by its continuous presence in the field, in the intervention areas in the middle stretch of the Ebro. On April 18, we visited the so-called Zone 2 of the Project, where the Osera de Ebro-Fuentes de Ebro (Zaragoza) section will be intervened.