Responding to the request of the people participating in the different groups of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project, we compiled information from different official sources of civil protection in order to face the flood phenomenon.
Coordination is one of the key elements of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project and makes it possible to monitor progress or analyze, as in this case, the public participation process that is being developed.
Phase 1 of the renaturation of this area, integrated in the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project, has started and is focused, for the moment, on the left bank of the river with the objective of recovering the connection between the riparian forests and the riverside.
In October, the Government of Navarra, through GAN-NIK and together with the CHE, organized two conferences to inform municipal representatives and farmers of the region about the Ebro Resilience interventions in Aragón to adapt agricultural areas to floods and to assess the value of reproducing them.
During the summer period the intervention was stopped due to environmental conditions and during this time the reopened branches already show revegetation.
The LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project organizes this informative activity open to neighbors and interested people in the area, in which prior registration is required to complete the 20 places available.
Networking and knowledge exchange and the transfer and replication of results are two lines of work of the Project, which have already taken Ebro Resilience technicians to 14 national and international forums, congresses and conferences.
5 fact sheets of the Ebro Resilience Strategy and 5 of the LIFE Project have been published, covering various aspects of flood risk management: self-protection, measures, environmental benefits of floods, thus creating documents to improve social knowledge of this phenomenon.
Of different typologies to cover in the educational centers of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 territory from kindergarten to ESO, they complement the educational units and have been outlined with the members of the participation groups of the Project.