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Nature makes its way: meander of La Roza, Alfaro, one year later

Nature makes its way: meander of La Roza, Alfaro, one year later

The new video of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project shows the space recovered for the river, analyzes with the technicians of the CHE and the Government of La Rioja the interventions carried out and shows the effect of these actions during the last floods ...
Recuperación de brazos de río en el Soto de Alfaro, imagen durante las crecidas de diciembre en 2024.

Plantations in Soto de Alfaro, last milestone to recover the functionality of the meander

- Completion of the reopening of old river branches to reconnect with the river, thus meeting the environmental objective and also reducing the impact of river flooding ...
"When the river recovers its space", informative exhibition of the Ebro Resilience actions.

“When the river recovers its space”, informative exhibition of the Ebro Resilience actions.

From February 3 to 28 and with the help of the Water and Environment Documentation Center of Zaragoza, we organize this informative exhibition on nature-based solutions to floods ...
Tools for the adaptation of the riparian population: tips for self-protection against floods

Tools for the adaptation of the riparian population: tips for self-protection against floods

Responding to the request of the people participating in the different groups of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project, we compiled information from different official sources of civil protection in order to face the flood phenomenon ...